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Ten Ways to LovePrintable Copy


1) Listen without Interrupting  - Proverbs 18

2) Speak without accusing - James 1:19

3) Give without sparing - Proverbs 21:26

4) Pray without ceasing - Colossians 1:9

5) Answer without arguing - Proverbs 17:1

6) Share without pretending - Ephesians 4:15

7) Enjoy without complaint - Philippians 2:14

8) Trust without wavering - 1 Corinthians 13:7

9) Forgive without punishing - Colossians 3:13

10) Promise without forgetting - Proverbs 13:12

Take this list to heart, as these are 10 good ways to love one another.  Print this list out, memorize it!

Neo... (November 1, 2011)